The Listing Assignments: General Instructions


1. The listing assignments must be neatly handwritten in ink. If they are done in pencil, typed or wordprocessed, or are too sloppy to be easily read, they will be graded zero and may not be made up.

2. Each listing assignment consists of 5 numbered items. Each item may be as brief as one sentence, and there is no maximum length for an item. The items must be numbered, and must consist of complete sentences.

3. As on this page, you should not skip lines within an item, but skip one line between items.

4. Your name and a page number must appear at the top of every page. Use the name which you put on your name tag, unless otherwise instructed. Any page which does not have your name and a page number on it will not be graded, and may not be made up.

5. If you’re ripping pages out of a spiral notebook, the pages should be ripped out and the little snowflakes at the left edge of the page should be removed before you enter the classroom. If you submit pages with the snowflakes still attached, or if you’re removing the flakes in the classroom, the assignment will be graded zero and may not be made up. If you use multiple pages, submit them loose and in order. Don't staple or clip pages together.

6. The specific parameters of the assignments will be discussed carefully in class, the session before the assignment is due. Listen carefully, and take good notes. You won’t be graded based on whether or not I agree with or like what you write. You’ll be graded entirely on whether or not you follow the instructions, both the instructions which appear on this page and the additional instructions which will be given in class. In case you're absent, or if you'd like to confirm that your notes are accurate, a summary of the in-class instructions can be found here.

7. Each listing assignment is worth a possible 10 points – 2 points per item. Partial credit on individual items is possible but rare. Generally, either an item does what it’s supposed to do or it doesn’t. Make sure yours do, if you want the credit.

8. I’m a human being and thus capable of error. If you think I’ve misgraded an assignment, you should talk with me during break time or before or after class, not during class time. If I did in fact make a mistake, I’ll apologize and correct your grade. I guarantee you that your discussing a grade with me will never result in the grade being lowered. Either you’ll wind up with a higher grade or with an explanation of why the grade originally given will stand.

9. When assignments are returned to you, you should carefully reread everything you wrote and any and all comments I’ve provided. If you’re not clear about my comments and suggestions, you should ask me for guidance. When I grade your next assignment, I’ll be looking for you to have used my input productively.

10. When it’s time to write your next assignment, put all previous ones away. It’s absolutely okay for you to refer back to issues you wrote about previously, but the job is to write a new assignment, not to rewrite the previous ones.


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